Monday, November 1, 2010

Changes in Pottery Style

Greek vases made a very distinctive change of style following the Persian sack of Athens as Grecian art moved more firmly into the classical era. Prior to the 5th century the forms on the vases showed more signs of ancient near eastern influences rather than the distinctive style we know today. These two oil flasks (Lekythos) created just 100 years apart show the sharp change in style. The first is a black figure vase attributed to the Amasis Painter. On it you can see the predominately geometric figures common in the archaic period that lack depth and emotion. The second vase shows the change in style. According to the Met website, "The use of a brush in red-figure technique was better suited to the naturalistic representation of anatomy, garments, and emotions." The later artists took advantage of the red-figure technique to create vases more suited to the prevailing style. 



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