Friday, November 5, 2010

Parthenon Project

The Ionic elements on the exterior of the structure generally have to do with the
proportions rather than specific architectural details. According to Pollitt, the columns on
the Parthenon are slightly more slender than the traditional Doric columns. Furthermore,
the façade of the Parthenon is eight columns wide (octostyle), while older temples in the
Doric style are six columns wide (hexastyle). The interior of the Parthenon has four Ionic
columns. Pollitt goes on to say that the inclusion of Ionic forms into such an important
and symbolic civic structure is intended to claim a “kinship with the Ionians” (79). 
Here you can see the exterior of the parthenon and the interior Ionic Columns.

A couple shots from mine and Jennie's trip to the Parthenon. 

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